Tag: Coronavirus

  • Psalm 103: Praise The Lord

    It is certainly difficult to go through this Psalm without recognising the call to praise. The beginning and the ending couch this Psalm in words to encourage praise. Note how personal the writer King David is as he expresses himself. “Praise the Lord, my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name. Praise the…

  • Christ In A Curfew

    Our city has now been under a curfew for a week. What an amazing sentence to write. I’ve always figured that to be under curfew would mean I was living in a country under martial law or something similar; where there would be the threat of violence and war. Even living in the Middle East…

  • A Psalm For Our Sanity



    Ooft, there’s no other way to say it, the restrictions now placed on us here in Melbourne are brutal. Yesterday evening we entered a ‘State of Disaster’, which now means we have a curfew, limited time for exercise, and we’re unable to travel more than 5km from our home (except for special circumstances). This is…

  • The Quarantine Quiet Life

    I doubt any of us who aspired to achieve a quieter and more peaceful life in 2020 thought this was the way to go about it. Sure, in my case, less children’s birthday parties, less meetings, and more time with family were all good things to aspire to. But at the sake of people contracting…

  • The Grieving of the (Non) Gathering of God’s People

    We now enter the third Sunday where our church is unable to gather together. And this week it has finally hit me. I’m grieving. I’m sad. Perhaps I’m a little angry, but mainly I’m sad. I’ve been involved in church life all my life. Being born into a pastors family means church is part of…