Tag: Faith

  • Conduct Reflects The Gospel

    We know when people work together in unity much can be achieved. There is a bond together, there is a goal to achieve, there is progress made, sometimes quite rapidly, when people are united. We may have experienced this before ourselves when working with others on a particular task, on a particular project, or toward…

  • The Gospel Impacts Conduct

    According to several scientific studies conducted about first impressions, it takes seven seconds for the human brain to create an impression about someone upon first meeting them. And in that initial meet every second is important in creating a good impression. Unfortunately, first impressions can only be made once and it is over in a…

  • The Enduring Joy of Christ

    I am often amazed when I hear stories of people who have gone through such hardship and suffering yet they are still so filled with joy. Recently I heard testimony of believers and Christian workers who were still joyful and hopeful despite being displaced and impoverished because of the war in Ukraine. Those brothers and…

  • Bible Reading – The Nehemiah Reminder

    In my mind, one of the most moving parts of the Bible is all about reading the scriptures.  Tucked away in the Old Testament, there in Nehemiah 8, is the story of Ezra reading the ‘book of the Law of God’ (8:8) to Israel. While God’s people had been released from captivity and returned to…

  • Reading The Bible In Community

    Years and years ago, back when I was working as a personal trainer, I’d often train people in groups. That is, me as the trainer and then 2-5 others all working out together under my guidance. They may have been friends who wanted to workout together. They may have been mum’s who trained together after…

  • My Top Posts of 2022

    I’ve done very little writing on this blog in 2022. So little writing you’d almost think I’ve given this away! But, this isn’t the case. Life circumstances have changed and publishing content through this website hasn’t been a priority these past 12 months. A change in churches and moving into a Lead Pastor role has…

  • My Top Posts of 2021

    I continue to write and seek to express myself and hopefully encourage others along the way too. This past year has seen my writing develop in different ways, and less so on this blog than I would’ve liked. I’ve been taken up with writing more sermons due to an increased teaching role at my church.…

  • Soft Serve Ice-Cream or How I am Trying to Avoid the Harm of Wealth Hoarded

    Below is a guest post by Steve, a member of my church, who writes a terrific little thoughtful piece that will make you think and have a chuckle at the same time. Enjoy. Recently my Mum passed away after a short illness. She was a generous soul. The whole experience has triggered a number of…

  • 6 Encouragements To Live By Faith

    In my last post I described walking through Hebrews 11 like entering a corridor at the museum. Paintings hanging on the walls, dim light from the ceilings and windows, and statues and busts of important people lining each side. Next to each of their depictions sits a plaque with the little description we find in…

  • By Faith – A Future Hope

    Hebrews 11 is one of those chapters in the Bible that is packed with so much that it takes numerous readings to grasp its various teachings. It’s the chapter where the writer outlines all those significant biblical characters of the past, and describes briefly how they lived by faith, trusting and obeying God throughout their…