Tag: Philippians

  • Conduct Reflects The Gospel

    We know when people work together in unity much can be achieved. There is a bond together, there is a goal to achieve, there is progress made, sometimes quite rapidly, when people are united. We may have experienced this before ourselves when working with others on a particular task, on a particular project, or toward…

  • The Gospel Impacts Conduct

    According to several scientific studies conducted about first impressions, it takes seven seconds for the human brain to create an impression about someone upon first meeting them. And in that initial meet every second is important in creating a good impression. Unfortunately, first impressions can only be made once and it is over in a…

  • The Advance of the Gospel: In Joy

    The book of Job in the Old Testament presents the story of a man who, despite his righteousness, is subjected to immense suffering. Job’s friends, in their misguided attempts to provide comfort, suggest that his misfortune must be due to some hidden sin. Job, in defiance, is confident that God will ultimately vindicate him, that…

  • The Advance of the Gospel: Selfish Motives vs. True Intentions

    In Philippians 1:15-18, Paul provides insight into how the message of Christ is being proclaimed and how the gospel is advancing, despite his imprisonment. Intriguingly, there seem to be two groups of people within close proximity to Paul, possibly in the city where he is imprisoned, each preaching Christ but with divergent intentions. One group…

  • The Advance of the Gospel: In Suffering

    When baking, it’s often wise to follow a recipe, as it guides us to create the delicacy we envision. It instructs us on the ingredients to add, how to mix them together, and even specifies the right oven temperature to bake that perfect cake you’re dreaming of right now. In the grand scheme of Christian…

  • Gospel Partnership Is Prayerful Partnership

    Saying you are going to pray for someone is a common occurrence in the Christian faith. We hear the needs of others and strive to support them. Prayer is our go-to action when we cannot provide tangible help, and it’s far from being the ‘least’ we can do. This is not to diminish the reality…

  • Gospel Partnership Is Joyful Partnership

    After Paul gives his initial greetings to the church in Philippi (Philippians 1:1-2), we immediately sense just how much joy and affection he has for them. In v3-8, we read of how their partnership in the gospel is a joyful partnership. Prayers For The People In v3, Paul gives thanks to God for this church.…

  • Slaves + Saints: The Essence of Christian Partnership

    It’s not very common these days to receive a physical letter in the letterbox. I’m not sure about you but what usually arrives in our letterbox is bills, junk mail, or some political party telling us what they’re going to do if they are elected. But on occasion, perhaps for a birthday, there might be…

  • The Enduring Joy of Christ

    I am often amazed when I hear stories of people who have gone through such hardship and suffering yet they are still so filled with joy. Recently I heard testimony of believers and Christian workers who were still joyful and hopeful despite being displaced and impoverished because of the war in Ukraine. Those brothers and…